Thursday, October 29, 2009

Positive Examples?

Are there any positive examples out there of a government program truly benefiting people as it was intended to? The kind of thing I am looking for is the sort of long term, without-it-we'd-be-complete-goners type of testimony. Do government programs like welfare, Medicaid, Medicare help people in the long run? I need some help on this because my own perspective on government's ability to actually help people is increasingly negative.

Of course, I have a blog post brewing about private enterprise doing government's job, but I'll save that one for tomorrow.


josiahdhatfield said...

Does the US Postal Service count?

And I only thought of that after reading the blog Ben just shared about how it's sort of a dying program (due to advances in technology... not b/c it's inefficient/ineffective).

But still, good governmental program.

annie.marie.dimond. said...

do highways count? I don't hate them, usually. They take me across the U.S. quite nicely a couple times a year. :)

GladToBeMimi said...
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GladToBeMimi said...

Does the Patent and Trademark Office count?:-D This way, a young person can invent something, and find a way to market it for about 20 years before it becomes eligible for the big boys to mass produce it.