Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Global Warming is Upon Us

It's an endless debate that will probably be renewed with each generation since no one person will be alive long enough to follow up on the various theories, for or against. Therefore, since research is generally inconclusive, I think government policies aimed at "preventing" it will mostly do more harm than good and could be an excuse for specific pet policies to get through whatever branch of government wherever in the world. Any legislation/ruling can slip down the chute greased by fear.

That's just my two cents worth.

What prompted that thought were two interesting tidbits I heard and saw recently about global warming.

1. NPR News reported on a study done by some smart people at some smart university who said a reduction in the world's population would lower greenhouse emissions. Duh. People drive cars, eat stuff, consume resources, it seems like a very obvious answer but a scary proposal. Of course they didn't recommend genocide or extermination, just the usual birth control stuff.

2. A bumper sticker I saw on a pickup truck today: Global Warming is Caused by the Sun. That gave me a laugh. The same truck also had a Don't Tread on Me sticker so one can easily guess their political persuasions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A. They have pick up trucks in Cali?

B. Tweeted by @Xianty: "LAUSANNE: Attendees stunned to find Global Warming due in part to some short-termer leaving the 10-40 window open. #capetown2010"