Monday, December 15, 2008


Well, I am home. It is good to be back.

My semester in DC flew by faster than all get out. It was an experience I will remember for a long time and the things I learned there, along with the people I met, will probably impact decisions I make down the road.

As far as this blog thing goes, I'll still use it to rant about politics, economics, major life decisions, etc. So if you are at all interested in that (for some reason), keep tuning in. I'll probably change the title since I am no longer in DC. Ideas are welcome.


josiahdhatfield said...

How about "For Bloggings' Sake" ?!?

Oh wait...

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Taylor, and thanks so much for the inside view of DC. It was an interesting experience!

Have a blessed Christmas,
Sharon Harris