Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rate of Disillusionment

While I don't have quantitative data to back me up, I believe I have anecdotal and qualitative data to back me up.

I think there are far more people disillusioned with the promises of Collectivism than Individualism. What do those words mean?

Collectivism being socialism, communism, fascism, nationalism, etc. The State (government) knows best. Individualism being capitalism, constitutionalism, limited government, etc. The individual knows best.

Think of all the most oppressive governments in history and they promised prosperity and well-being through coordinated efforts on the part of the government. The prosperity and well-being only lasted a short while at the cost of freedom and in the end, poverty and no freedom.

Think of the freest governments in history and they promised to protect life, liberty and property and you have the most prosperous, healthy populations in history. And they are free.

Even when the government is seemingly motivated by the best of intentions to use the force it has in order to secure "well-being" for the poor, 99/100 times it ends up back firing and creating a long running institution that does perpetual harm to the poor while rewarding those in power.

People knock capitalism all the time, but capitalism rightly understood and implemented works in reality while collectivism, even when rightly understood and implemented (!), does not work in reality. History shows that.

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