Monday, September 8, 2008


Bros, this quote rocks all:
"In speaking of man's fallenness, we point not only to his persistent rejection of the created order, but also to an inescapable confusion in his perceptions of it" (Oliver O'Donavan in his Resurrection and moral order).

That quote just makes so much sense to me. Our theories are wrong a vast majority of the time and only Christ's death and resurrection helps us make sense of it all. In everyone's approach to a problem or injustice, there is an assumed ought, is, can, will which comes from and matches up with the biblical narrative of creation (ought), fall (is), redemption (can), consummation (will be).

Rock and roll.

1 comment:

ER said...

I like reading about the goings on in DC.
If you ever become a Democrat, I will celebrate.
Also, as a feminist I feel compelled to tell you to address people as more than "Bros".