Sunday, September 7, 2008

To all you McCain/Palin supporters (including myself), this NYT article by Frank Rich is a must read.
Helps one's discernment.


Elena Forsythe said...
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Elena Forsythe said...
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Elena Forsythe said...

Hmm. Agree that it's worth a read and some consideration too, but it's really a liberal reflex reaction to the ultra conservative fiesta that went on last week; and it's not very surprising.
Language like "bloodbath," the jab at Palin's simultaneous request for her daughter's privacy and her own pro-life (or anti-abortion) stance, talking about McCain's "ruthless" comes every year, and from both sides.
I hate political conventions. They're all about how far we can swing to the left or the right because the audience is filled with all our biggest fans, ready to cheer no matter what's said.
But conventions aren't the only places that show off McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden glamor. All the gossip mags have stuff on "Michelle Obama's Fashion Sense." I was just at the store today and the cover of PEOPLE is all about Palin. I flipped through and found ooh! Palin with the Caribou she shot! oh, and there's her "pregnancy bump" from her second child! Oh, and she's sitting with her infant son at her desk. What a great mom, right? Ahem.
Anyway, yeah, it's always good to see what the other side is saying. But it's not really convincing or any kind of revelation. But lest we fall prey to the often less-than-accurate speechwriters of both campaigns, here's another helpful (non-partisan) website:

Elena Forsythe said...

P.S. Taylor - I know you know all this. But I must confess that I share Mr. Rich's same reflex reaction to polarizing rhetoric. Sorry for trashing your blog with my rants!!