Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I have become a bus evangelist lately. They are so convenient. They're cheap, they usually drop you off way closer to where you want to be than the Metro does and you actually get to see where you're going. Granted, they take a little getting used to the city in order to use them effectively. Getting used to DC has been a little like getting used to a campus, after a while my travel becomes more refined and it seems less an expanse of unknowns.

Last night, McCain's faith based initiatives rep came to talk with us since she was unable to make it last week. It was a sweet time listening to her perspective as well. When it comes to this issue, Obama and McCain both agree that the faith based initiative program should be kept alive. However they disagree over whether the equal opportunity employment law should be applied to these faith organizations if they are to receive federal funding. Obama's position is that people of different faiths, other than the one the organization promotes or follows, should be protected under law in order to have opportunity to work. McCain's position allows organizations to choose who to hire or not and still be able to receive federal funds.

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